The Webster Technique

Performance of the Webster Technique's two-step process involves analysis of the functional and spatial relationship of the bones of the pelvis, and the manual correction of aberrant biomechanics. Step 1 is through the employment of a light-force chiropractic adjustment of the sacrum.

Step 2 of The Webster Technique involves further analysis and relief of abdominal muscle tension or spasm.

Both steps are intended to relieve the potential musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint that may lead to cesarean section or breech delivery.

It is important to stress at this time that the Webster Technique is not to be misconstrued as the practice of obstetrics. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic technique intended to relieve a specific musculoskeletal condition, and is well within the chiropractor's scope of practice.

Treatment is painless and extremely safe for mother and baby. The Webster Technique should only be performed by those who have been certified. It is an excellent preemptive treatment before a cesarean section or External Cephalic Version. Generally The Webster Technique is started in the 8th month but can, as needed, be performed sooner.

At no time does the chiropractor attempt to change the position of the fetus, as is done with external cephalic version (ECV),which applies pressure to the mother's abdomen in an attempt to turn the fetus in either a forward or a backward somersault to achieve a more vertex presentation.

The chiropractor only attempts to correct a potential cause of intrauterine constraint. Untrained individuals should not attempt the Webster Technique.